Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Acrylic Painting with a paper towel

This is the wet result of my recent swipe using acrylic paints and paper towels. Below is the video of my painting. I did not check the consistency of the paint well so it wasn't as fluid as I would have liked but I am liking the outcome. This is not a finished piece. I have visions of snowy trees along the edge of a lake. More later!!!
Hope you enjoyed this quick video, drop me a comment on your thoughts. Martha

Thursday, October 10, 2024

The Oregon Coast and Seal Rock

We spent one at the coast with our oldest son and his wife. It was so nice!!! Ate at Clearwater in Newport, saw a lot of very noisy Sealions. Then headed to Seal Rock to spend the night in a lovely home on the cliff!!!! Just wowza. Watched the sun set, found a secret path to the ocean and saw some sea life in the rocks. Ate at Luna's Seafood restaurant that evening, yum!!! Great place to visit and explore.

Friday, October 4, 2024


Quoted from the The Hill online: Last year, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D) signed so-called “trans refuge” legislation, joining California and several other states in passing measures that harm vulnerable youth. The Washington Post recently came to Walz’s defense, claiming that “conservatives” were “falsely accusing him of allowing the state to terminate parental custody if parents prevent their trans children from receiving gender-affirming care.” But the reality is there’s nothing false about that accusation. This law can indeed separate kids from loving parents’ custody. Every parent in America should be concerned about it and laws like it. This is a very serious threat to the family unit, to parents, and to their children. Please do your research before voting. Thank you!!!!

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Vote With Discernment

It's important to vote in the upcoming elections with descernment. This is not a popularity contest. Read between the lines. In my opinion, someone who encourages and normalizes the killing of the unborn up to the date of birth is NOT a supporter of women. These are people in power supporting legalized murder. Our Constitution says: We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness— It does not state an age. Our current administration is destroying OUR CONSTITUTION and so is PLANNED PARENTHOOD. They want to change our Consitution to go along with their personal agendas to desroy our families and divide our country even more. Please- do not vote for those who are set on putting their own misguided thoughts into action on our country, on our future, our your children will be in jeopardy.

Friday, September 20, 2024

Patio aka Sunroom progress!!!!!

Getting closer to being finished with the outdoor patio now called the sunroom and I think you can see why!!!. Still more to do but I am loving the space. Still not sure what we are going to do with the fiberglass panels. Do we put doors in, like french doors or just replace the fiberglass with clear plastic panels? I really want to be able to see outside when inside but protect us from bad weather or hot weather. Any ideas out there??? IF so, please share them, I would love to hear your ideas!!!

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Update: greenhouse to covered dining patio

So there has been some great progress on the patio. The orange shows the panels and wood that I am planning on removing to create two open doorways to the yard. I am leaving the ends to protect the space from tons of rain and wind that we get now and then. I am hoping that we will be able to use the space year round if it's not too cold. Exciting!!!!!!

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Greenhouse to Covered Patio/Dining Area

I've decided to scale my greenhouse down so I am moving my plants from this 12' x 18' greenhouse to an 8' x 8' sheshed. At the moment most of the plants are outside waiting for the yardsale items living in my sheshed to vacate the building!!! And that will need to happen before it freezes which is usually in October. I will be taking down several of the fiberglass panels to open the wall to the yard and put a metal roof on top. I am debating between a concrete floor versus pavers. I really think the paver route would be great because I could have shade plants in pots in there and be able to water them and not have puddles everywhere. Right now I am removing the plastic that I had everywhere including the ceiling and the hundreds of staples I used to keep the plastic up. Once cleared out and the staple removal is done I wil put our outdoor swing and a dining table in there. I am very excited about this new outdoor space!!! It should get used a lot!!