
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Acanthus mollis-Bears Breech

Here is another must have for the garden, Acanthus mollis or better known as Bears Breeches. It is a very easy grower for zones 5-24 and seems to like any condition thrown at it!!!

My plant gets sun most of the day and doesn't wilt under the extreme heat unless I haven't paid attention to watering. And these do like their water!!

Acanthus is native to southern Europe and the Mediterranean. The first time I saw this plant was at our local Elks many many years ago. It was growing at the side entrance in complete dark shade. The leaves were not as large as mine, but still beautiful green. I don't think I ever saw those at the Elks bloom, probably due to the complete darkness they were growing in. But what a hardy plant to survive such conditions which is why I had to this plant.

The blooms in late spring and early summer are so cool!! They are hooded, as you can see,  and the lip is white with a faint bit of pink on it. Just beautiful!!!

My plants are probably not in the best spot of the yard as they have filled in the entire spot which makes mowing  a difficult task. I think I need to enlarge the bed, perhaps in a half circle shape? A must do when I have a weekend alone as my husband hates when I cut out more grass for flower garden space!! :^)

The slugs and snails like these plants also, so be aware!!

Happy Gardening!!!! Martha

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