
Sunday, July 8, 2012

Lysimachia punctata-Yellow Loosestrife

Here's another winning perennial for the garden, Lysimachia punctata or Yellow Loosestrife!!! It blooms a beautiful bright yellow and starts blooming in early to middle summer.

This plant is native to central Europe and Asia Minor-Zones 1-9 and 14-24. It grows to about 3-4 feet tall and 2 feet wide, larger if you allow it!!

It comes in a variegated leaf, and I have both, although the solid green seem to be winning at the moment.

You can see the variegated leaf in the above photo peaking out amongst the solid leaves!!

I started with one plant and have divided it several times now, so I think I am up to 4 plantings and plan on dividing it again and putting it in my front yard!!!
I do not know if I have seen this for sale in the nursery's. I got mine from a good friend who was dividing her clumps up. That is sometimes the best way to get awesome plants for the garden. Not only do you get a wonderful plant, but it gives you memories of friends and family who gave you the gift!!! Perfection!!!


  1. I have had (maybe) this plant for years. I say maybe, because I was told by someone that knows their plant this was the name of my plant. I brought it back from Ohio to South Carolina. I have never been able to get it to bloom and it stays short. For some reason I remember the flowers being orange, not yellow. Is there a secret to get it to bloom? I have some planted in the Sun and the shade but nothing. Confused🤨

    1. It could be where you live. We get pretty cold in the winter and this plant dies back every year, to the ground level, then begins growing back in the spring. Mine gets full sun starting around noon, but the ones that are in more shade grow just as wild and bloom the same. Probably the climate zone you're in.


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