
Sunday, December 9, 2012

KrumKake for the Holidays

All done and ready to eat!!!

So, I have decided to add food to this blog!!! Some of the items I will be posting about come from the family recipe  book, so this is a perfect place to share. Plus, so many dishes originate from the garden, like the salsa I made does. So what better place to share food items than here where we can remember our moms and our Nanas-grandmas!!!

The KrumKake recipe I am going to share with you is from my Nana, Bjorga Elise Wallace (Frantzen). She was born in 1894 in Myklevik, Stamsund, Norway. She would jot down the dates of when she made these, the earliest date is 1954, I wasn't born yet :^) These are one of my favorite cookies, and Nana would have a special plate saved for my brother and me!!

KrumKake-a Norwegian delight!!

1 cup sugar
1/2 cup butter
1/2 tsp nutmeg
3 eggs
1/2 cup whip. cream
2 cups flour

Beat eggs until very light, add sugar and nutmeg, melted butter and whipped cream. Add enough flour to handle easily, testing on hot iron. Place one teaspoonful of dough on krumkake iron and bake until a very light brown. Roll quickly on stick, cone form, or form into patty shells. The shells can be used for ice cream or fruit. Store in air-tight container.

I have my Nana's electric iron and wooden cone form for making the KrumKake. These can be purchased on-line or in some of the kitchen shops.

HOT iron-beware-all ready for the next spoonful of dough.

Place dough in the middle of the hot iron

Close lid and let cook. Have a knife ready to remove Krumkake.

Done to perfection, a beautiful golden brown!!

Roll on wooden cone shape.

Ready to eat and enjoy!! A great gift for the neighbors too!!!

Take care and Enjoy the day!!! Martha

1 comment:

  1. Hi Martha - a quilting blog AND a garden & food blog! You are amazing. So now I know what I want for Christmas - an electric iron for making krumkakes. I'll try to drop some hints. Thanks for the recipe and photos.


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