
Sunday, January 26, 2014

Little needle felted sheep/Stupendous Stitching project/WIP

Still have quite a bit to go. The little sheep looks a little funny in this photo.
I worked a bit more on him, and he is looking a little better.
I still have quite a bit to do on this piece. Need to start machine quilting and then I can mount it to the stretcher bars. Once done, I can get to work on another. The next one will have much more needle felting on it!!

I wasn't sure about needle felting on fabric, but it is working. I have a fusible batting on the back which helps keep the wool in place. Then I will put some fusible interfacing just behind the sheep on the back side to prevent it from being pulled out. I will share again when I have more completed!

Enjoy and see you later-Martha

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