
Saturday, June 14, 2014

Clematis 'Jackmanii' AND Phoenix Arizona-the PERFECT hangout place!!!

No words needed for this beauty!! We came home from Phoenix on Wednesday to this in full bloom!!! Makes me smile!!!
Our son's backyard. So nice sitting in the early morning in the sun. In the shade of course. It is about 88 degrees at 8am, so direct sun is NOT a good idea!!!

These are blooming everywhere around Phoenix, so beautiful!

Joshua's pool.

Josh and Uncle Marc discussing the care of the pool.

And the hangout area. Love it and miss it! It is a home away from home and delightful!!
Take care everyone, enjoy the earth and enjoy your family. Hug them!!! Martha

1 comment:

  1. Those clematis are gorgeous! I have never had any luck with them. Your columbine are so pretty too. Every time I plant a color other than yellow, they either die or change to yellow.


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