Saturday, July 27, 2024

Democrat's Deception

Hey everyone, just some thoughts about the past few weeks. Once taking a step back and looking at the big picture I have come to some of my own conclusions: The Democrats have tried every which way to take Donald Trump down, including the Secret Service allowing a sniper to try and commit an assination. When those tactics failed, P Biden suddenly gets "covid" and now withdraws from the presidential race and endorses harris who was NOT voted in. The American People deserve better and we must demand better. Voting for kamala harris because she is a woman is not a logical reason to vote for her, she does NOT uphold all women. WHY??? 1. First of all, she and p biden have worked on destroying Tital IX which protected women's sports: Title IX Title IX gives women athletes the right to equal opportunity in sports in educational institutions that receive federal funds, from elementary schools to colleges and universities. Because biden and harris want the votes from the lbgqt community they have changed the Tital IX to include trans"women" who are actually males and they have actively been obsconding oportunities from rightful women/females. This is NOT supporting women. It is a proven fact that men are stronger, their bodies are very different than a woman's body which gives them an unfair advantage in the world of sports. The science teaches and shows us that men cannot turn into women and women cannot turn into men. They can live their lives as they please, but we cannot change our sex. Allowing them to compete in women's sports, enter our bathrooms and locker rooms, be housed in women's prison's, participate in health survey's is erasing and destroying all women. This is the TRUTH. You may not care for Trump but he is more honest than the Democratic administration who has been destroying our country. .2 later

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