Monday, August 12, 2024


VOTING FOR HARRIS/WALZ IS VOTING FOR MASS MURDER OF THE MOST INNOCENT OF AMERICAN CITIZENS. THIS HAS TO STOP NOW!!!! It appears that both Harris and Walz are on a determined mission to rid our country of as many unborn children as possible. I have heard Harris mention the want to stop population growth. I am not sure why and why this is their main ticket to run. We seriously need to evaluate their reasoning as to the why of wanting to destroy so many innocent lives and realize that the lives they are targeting to kill, murder, exterminate-call it what you will-are the most vulnerable, innocent, unprotected humans on earth. They, along with so many Democrats, have worked tirelessly to dehumanize the unborn child and it has worked very successfully. We now have states that allow abortions up through the 9th month of pregnancy. This is barbaric and evil and inhumane. I had a recent discussion with a family member who wondered how drs who have taken the Hippocratic oath to preserve life could so easily take the lives of these children. I told him it's the same rhetoric they used when enslaving people from Africa and other nations, the same rhetoric they used when justifying killing millions of Jewish and Catholic people. You dehumanize them and then it's very simple. And rewarding. You also work on convincing the people that this evil is actually good, that it empowers them, that they NEED abortion, and makes them better people and helps their country. IT'S PAST TIME TO MAKE ABORTION UNTHINKABLE. TO STOP PLANNED PARENTHOOD AND PEOPLE LIKE HARRIS AND WALZ FROM BRAINWASHING OUR COUNTRY INTO THINKING EVIL IS GOOD. A VOTE FOR THESE TWO IS A VOTE FOR INHUMANITY

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